Shop The Arrangement, New Novel by Sarah Dunn

the arrangement

We worked with Little Brown, the publishers of The Arrangement, to set the tone for the new novel by Sarah Dunn,  a story of two married ex-New Yorkers living in the bucolic town of Beekman and exploring the newly redefined boundaries of their romance, on a list that sets the tone for the novel, available March 21st. She writes for shows like ‘Big Love’ and ‘Secrets to Happiness’ and her first novel reads like you’ve stepped into her cinematic world– only this time, the drama plays out in the intimate relationship between and wife and husband navigating marital ennui. Keep the spark alive with our hints– sexy, slinky, boozy, and a snapshot of what to wear and do on a chilly romantic Hudson valley weekend.

29 Things to Get You Excited for Spring

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It’s the day before St. Pat’s but we are already feeling lucky because today Refinery29 launched their first Hintd list. A few weeks back we sat down with their editors at the downtown offices—imagine Google’s space designed by women who have really great taste—and told them all about Hintd. They were so into Hintd, they decided to launch four lists this month. The first up: 29 Spring Essentials to Buy Early.

Our faves:

Lucy loves the Haconut hydrating hair mask for post-morning swims and J. Crew Franny Sunglasses for cruising around on her scooter.

Francesca has already hinted the RMS lipshine and Peach Lily Dr. Meyers Vitamin C mask for its instant brightening powers.

Sophie, Marketing Director has claimed the Nars Monoi Body Glow II to get that happy, healthy shimmer.

Claire, Operations Manager, is eying the Church Burwood’s silver oxfords because that’s just how she rolls.

Check it out and hint the heck out of their spring curation.

Shop the Pages of Jezebel Magazine


Hint this Prey Swim swimsuit for a chance to win a one-piece or two-piece suit from, the newly launched California-based luxury line we’re obsessed with.

For the past two months now we’ve been collaborating with Atlanta based women’s glossy, Jezebel, owned by Modern Luxury. The collaboration came about when our founder, Lucy, worked with their Editorial Director, Stephanie, at Conde Nast and would always talk about how “magazines should be shoppable!” Well now they are, thanks to this little collaboration. Jezebel uses Hintd as the shopping tool for their selects each month.

While going over their March lineup our Content Chief, Francesca, fell in love—just like they did—with Prey Swim. Now that it’s almost Spring Break season, she noticed that boutique swimwear lines are having a moment:  Kiini, Solid & Striped, Stone Fox all have devoted followings due to their innovative designs and detailed-oriented fit. As soon as Francesca saw Prey’s sultry designs and chic color palette she recognized they were the next brand to enjoy cult status. Doesn’t hurt that Prey was launched in collaboration with it-girl Audrina Patridge, who has gone from The Hills to a TV career as host of First Look.

Enter the third piece of the puzzle of what made this list a best-seller: Our new promotion, called Hint it to Win it. We launched the first one in February with Glossier, to celebrate Hintd’s new look. Now we are choosing a Hint It to Win It on Fridays. Watch out for the next one, coming soon.  Our litmus test for prizes, is if we’re sorry we can’t enter, then we know it’s a good one. As of press time, 182 hinters had added the Prey Swim suit to their list in an effort to win it.  We’ll be drawing winner March 31st — so if you haven’t hinted Prey Swim to your list there’s still time.  In the meantime check out Jezebel list because like this contest,  winter also has a deadline. You want to be ready for Spring!